
Average score 270 Reviews
Surprise Kind noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Good welcome, good atmosphere, very kind to customers and the food is just delicious. I really recommend restaurant (Original) Bonne accueil,Bonne ambiance,très gentil avec les clients et la nourriture est juste délicieuse. Je Vous recommande vraiment restaurant

1 year ago
Jamel Sidi noted on Google

1 year ago
benjamin chauvin noted on Google

(Translated by Google) The dishes are excellent (Original) Les plats sont excellents

1 year ago
Anthony Bouin noted on Google

1 year ago
Nadia Lilla noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Quality dishes, and especially hearty. Little wait to be served and attentive staff, I recommend. (Original) Plats de qualité, et surtout copieux. Peu d'attente pour être servi et personnel à l'écoute, je recommande.

1 year ago
Joelle Holevas noted on Google

(Translated by Google) I had honey glazed duck with noodles. It's been a long time since I had eaten so well in an Asian restaurant. I recommend. Friendly staff to spoil nothing (Original) J'ai pris du canard laqué au miel avec des nouilles. Ça faisait longtemps que je n'avais pas mangé aussi bien dans un restaurant asiatique. Je recommande. Personnel aimable pour ne rien gâcher

1 year ago
Raphaelle Pepin noted on Google

(Translated by Google) A real delight I chose beef patthai it was excellent really can't wait to come back. Pleasant and active staff. Fast take-out and on-site service. (Original) Un vrai délice j’ai choisi des patthai de bœuf c’était excellent vraiment hâte de revenir. Personnel agréable et actifs. Service rapide à emporter comme sur place.

1 year ago
samy sadou noted on Google

1 year ago
Natalia CHMIELEWSKA noted on Google

Super nice

1 year ago
Kevin Zheng noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Very good I recommend Friendly and warm staff (Original) Très bon je recommande Personnel sympa et chaleureux

1 year ago

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