Cuisine excellente, personnel d’une extrême gentillesse : je ne peux que recommander !
(Translated by Google)
Excellent cuisine, extremely friendly staff: I can only recommend it!
Sophie Bourigault noted
Click and collect. Impeccable !
Et le bibimpap saumon est vraiment très bon 😋
(Translated by Google)
Click and collect. Flawless !
And the salmon bibimpap is really very good 😋
Last reviews
Cuisine excellente, personnel d’une extrême gentillesse : je ne peux que recommander ! (Translated by Google) Excellent cuisine, extremely friendly staff: I can only recommend it!
Click and collect. Impeccable ! Et le bibimpap saumon est vraiment très bon 😋 (Translated by Google) Click and collect. Flawless ! And the salmon bibimpap is really very good 😋
Bien 👍🏽 (Translated by Google) Good 👍🏽