
Average score 270 Reviews
Yuan J (Kay) noted on Google

Le service était vraiment sympa mais un peu long. Le plat... Était trop salé, je n'aime pas du tout. (Translated by Google) The service was really nice but a little slow. The dish... Was too salty, I don't like it at all.

5 days ago
MoManga noted on Google

10 days ago
Christine Liu noted on Google

Je suis absolument ravi de ce restaurant! Les portions sont incroyablement généreuse et si gourmand! Chaque plat que j’ai goûté était délicieux et rempli de saveurs. Le personnel attentif et chaleureux, je recommande vivement Acsia Fusion! (Translated by Google) I am absolutely delighted with this restaurant! The portions are incredibly generous and so delicious! Every dish I tried was delicious and packed with flavor. The attentive and warm staff, I highly recommend Acsia Fusion!

16 days ago
Christiane F. noted on Reservation

Bons plats, prix corrects, super personnel

22 days ago
Chloé Vezy noted on Google

23 days ago
Sophie Bourigault noted on Google

Click and collect. Impeccable ! Et le bibimpap saumon est vraiment très bon 😋 (Translated by Google) Click and collect. Flawless ! And the salmon bibimpap is really very good 😋

1 month ago
Alexandra Hamisultane noted on Google

1 month ago
Yuzz Hugues noted on Google

1 month ago
Muriel Beaudet noted on Google

1 month ago
Lucie Guenneugues noted on Google

Super accueil et personnel adorable ! (Translated by Google) Great welcome and lovely staff!

1 month ago

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