평균 점수 299 리뷰
가격 대비 품질
Line Poberznick 평가됨 on Google
19일 전Christelle G 평가됨 on Google
24일 전Tenzin Yeshi 평가됨 on Google
The food was so testy and the service so good employees are very gentleman
1개월 전Yujiao Zhang 평가됨 on Google
1개월 전Valentine Theillier 평가됨 on Google
Cuisine excellente, personnel d’une extrême gentillesse : je ne peux que recommander ! (Translated by Google) Excellent cuisine, extremely friendly staff: I can only recommend it!
1개월 전Sophie Bourigault 평가됨 on Google
Click and collect. Impeccable ! Et le bibimpap saumon est vraiment très bon 😋 (Translated by Google) Click and collect. Flawless ! And the salmon bibimpap is really very good 😋
1개월 전Maria Moreno 평가됨 on Google
Bien 👍🏽 (Translated by Google) Good 👍🏽
1개월 전Nas Nass 평가됨 on Google
1개월 전Raphael 평가됨 on Google
Parfait ! Nous étions 4. Servi rapidement. La nourriture était très bonne. Vraiment sympa. (Translated by Google) Perfect ! There were 4 of us. Served quickly. The food was very good. Really nice.
1개월 전
Délicieux, rapide et très sympathique (Translated by Google) Delicious, fast and very friendly
10일 전